chat with her again. thought she hv bn deleted me after we met.
today, i gv my blessing to her. hope she could get the peace^^
jas jas 說:
無慧慧 說:
hi ar
jas jas 說:
I didnt expect to see u last time and it was really upset me
無慧慧 說:
o..i m sorry to hear tat
無慧慧 說:
feel better now?
jas jas 說:
Cos it made me think abt the nightmare again
無慧慧 說:
hm..i know
jas jas 說:
Im good now
無慧慧 說:
無慧慧 說:
everything is over.. pls dun look back
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
How are u? Still with the same guy?
無慧慧 說: la.
無慧慧 說:
i m fine actually..
jas jas 說:
U know wht, that guy text me few messages last week
無慧慧 說:
o really?
無慧慧 說:
what he text u?
無慧慧 說:
miss u?
無慧慧 說:
or want u come to his home?
無慧慧 說:
i know he felt loneliness after i left him
jas jas 說:
And i believe there's sth happened thats y he need to look for back up in case nobody is willing to be with him
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
If u wana see i can forward them to u
無慧慧 說:
is in my expectation
jas jas 說:
He's so naive
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
I only replied"i hate u"
無慧慧 說:
無慧慧 說:
he want u to forgive him?
jas jas 說:
Are u serious this time?
無慧慧 說:
i left him about 1 month already
無慧慧 說:
will u forgive?
jas jas 說:
Can u recieve 2 long msg?
無慧慧 說:
yes. i got it
jas jas 說:
I cannot forget the way he lie and how deep he had hurt me, i will not.
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
無慧慧 說:
then forget him..delete him..dun gv him chance to bother u
jas jas 說:
Whts the reason that u left him this time?
無慧慧 說:
me... i m always kind.. forgave him already
無慧慧 說:
hm... bcoz of "lie"
jas jas 說:
Did he do anything bad on u these few mths?
無慧慧 說:
hm... can't say it in bad
無慧慧 說:
yes.. he did lie me again last month
jas jas 說:
Why is that?
無慧慧 說:
but i found out y he lie n the whole story
無慧慧 說:
after tat i got nothing
jas jas 說:
Again and again and again...
無慧慧 說:
bcoz i dun trust him anymore
jas jas 說:
He got another gal?
無慧慧 說:
hm..but if i was him, i will lie also
無慧慧 說:
so i excepted
jas jas 說:
Horrible! U must leave him and never go back
jas jas 說:
Related to his ex?
無慧慧 說: this month my mind become more clear, n we hv talked last monday. we know we can't be 2gether.
jas jas 說:
I wish u hv a brighten life after all these
無慧慧 說:
hm. right. is about his ex- wife. but not important
無慧慧 說:
^^..n u 2
無慧慧 說:
left it down & let it go
jas jas 說:
I wish we will wear charming smile whe6m we meet each other again next time
無慧慧 說:
i did it last time..
jas jas 說:
Im sorry
無慧慧 說:
but i know u a not happy to c me
jas jas 說:
I was being rude last time
無慧慧 說:
^^ nevermind
無慧慧 說:
is not yr fault
無慧慧 說:
hm.. n i know y he text u
無慧慧 說:
bcoz i told him i saw u
jas jas 說:
I dun wana pretend nth and chat with u, cos i know i still hate him, and ur related in this
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
Why u told him? And wht did u tell?
無慧慧 說:
once u let it go, u dun need to pretend again
無慧慧 說:
i just told him i saw u at lee sze
jas jas 說:
He must be happy to hear i look sad when i see u
jas jas 說:
He will think he is important enough that im still miss him! Damn!
無慧慧 說:
nono.. i hvn't told him tat yr reaction...although i left him, we still caren talk with each other. just mention
無慧慧 說:
nono..dun think 2 much!
無慧慧 說:
i can tell he won't care anyone feeling
無慧慧 說:
he just care himself
jas jas 說:
Then why he text me after that?
無慧慧 說:
maybe he want to try be a better man
jas jas 說:
Its so damn annoying and help nth!
jas jas 說:
Only talk talk talk..
無慧慧 說:
he know what he did, but can't control himself to hurt me n other
無慧慧 說:
yes...this is him
jas jas 說:
Pls dun being so naive to trust him again
無慧慧 說:
he used to do what he like n without thinking
jas jas 說:
The guy like him can never change his whole character
jas jas 說:
Dun trust on everything single word he told u
無慧慧 說:
^^.. his ex wife n sofaye also said tat
無慧慧 說:
"he" is "he"
jas jas 說:
Protect urself and hv a clear mind is the last thing to do
jas jas 說:
Just like edison chan
jas jas 說:
Do i look better than b4?
無慧慧 說:
actually he is a kidult , not worse as u think ^^. pls try to forget it
無慧慧 說:
u? still pretty
無慧慧 說:
but i m getting old lol...
無慧慧 說:
jas jas 說:
I hope all my frds told me i lose weight recently would not affected by that bad guy
無慧慧 說:
hm.. lose weight is gd ar!! i want to lose some too.. but i dunno y i m getting fat lol"
jas jas 說:
No, ur going to another stage which is more mature and inner beauty
jas jas 說:
No, ur in average and gd figure
無慧慧 說: time goes by, u will note that today is just a small piece of yr life. u will become mature n strong after
無慧慧 說:
keep yrself pretty , keep yrself grow.
jas jas 說:
Did i miss any msg?
無慧慧 說:
as time goes by, u will note that today is just a small piece of yr life. u will become mature n strong after.
keep yrself pretty , keep yrself grow. although i m discouraged b4, this is also a gd lesson for me..i just know things will become gd days will become better!...... i hope u every happiness^^
jas jas 說:
Thx for ur encouragement!!
jas jas 說:
Never look back.
jas jas 說:
Keep contact la charming lady.
無慧慧 說:
無慧慧 說:
with a pretty face like yours, there is only room for shinny smile
jas jas 說:
Suddenly one sentence wana say
jas jas 說:
I love u
jas jas 說:
無慧慧 說: